Awesome Alien Game (so fun)
A downloadable game for Windows
Explore a procedurally generated world and try to build a rocket ship to escape
most of the tiles in the world have random textures
you can craft sticks, pickaxes, and a workbench using recipes identical to those found in mine-craft
to refine ore into bars place 9 ore in the grid of the workbench
copper and gold wire can be made with a stick with one plank above and below and with one copper or gold one either side
batteries can be made with 2 lithium bars underneath one spool of copper wire
spaceship building station can be made like this:
nothing, iron bar, iron bar
copper wire, battery, iron bar
lithium bar, lithium bar, lithium bar
spaceship hull is made in a 4x4 grid with a checker pattern of any type of rock and iron bars
a spaceship is made at the spaceship station with this configuration:
nothing, nothing, hull, nothing, nothing
nothing, hull, hull, hull, nothing,
hull, hull, gold wire, hull, hull
hull, hull, battery, hull, hull
hull, hull, battery, hull, hull
hull, hull, gold wire, hull, hull
iron bar, hull, iron bar, hull, iron bar
iron bar, nothing, iron bar, nothing, iron bar
there are probably a lot of bugs in this game
Install instructions
there should be a file inside called 'UntitledGameJam104' which makes the game go, make sure to install the included font or it won't work. it also may not run at all in which case I am very sorry
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I neglected to include this part:
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